Attached are some drawings for the cylinder base, cylinder head, and valve cover gaskets for a Sears compressor. This fits the model(s) with a 2.750″ bore – check out the photos to see if they look right for you. Mine was originally on a gold/brown colored tank that said “Paint Sprayer” on the side. I found the original gaskets on mine were made from material that was .025 thick – I grabbed the closest thing on my shelf and made these up on the laser cutter.

I was having some trouble with belt slip and funky sounds so I took the pump apart to see what was up. Expecting a broken valve or wasted bearings, all I found was some goop. I cleaned it out, put it back together, freed up the check valve on the tank and I’m back in business.

What is the price on the sears head?
Hey, I’m not selling these, but there is a zip file at the top of the post you can download if you want to make them yourself.